Прекрасный трек! Только сведение стоит подкачать. 10/10
Прекрасный трек! Только сведение стоит подкачать. 10/10
стоит только перейти мне на старые работы, аж пролить слезу охота
Cool song! I was pleased with the audition!10/10
Я бы сделал бас чуть громче. А так трек просто прекрасный. Блестящая песня! 10/10
Very cool song! 10/10
Thank you :)
I don't particularly like the growls that are used here for dubstep. They should be replaced. And so the track is amazing. 9/10
It's amazing to watch the evolution of your creativity. You started with bad techno songs and in 2 years have moved on to a good dance music activity! It's incomparable! 10/10
Title: "Made For You".
Me: Thank you!
The track is just magical! Great sound! 10/10
Happy melody! She really "makes me happy"! Lol. 10/10
Hi! I’m X-Man. I like to compose music, I draw something. Opened for collaborations.
Joined on 11/20/20