It's amazing how DJVI makes such wonderful club pieces! I admire this author. 10/10
It's amazing how DJVI makes such wonderful club pieces! I admire this author. 10/10
Fantastic track! The melody pleases me! 10/10
I love this song!!! Forever in my heart! 10/10 8}
How do you do it?! What is your secret!? How do you make such amazing songs?! Of course 10/10
Magical sound! Fast and incredible! 10/10
I think you are a brilliant composer! This song makes me happy! 10/10
Your songs motivate me to move on and that's great! I love your creativity! This song is just a bomb. 10/10
It sounds mysterious and somehow mysterious. Mixing at a height! The melody is magical. Dynamic and cool! 10/10
I like the rhythmic pattern. This track has a pretty good mix and melody. 10/10
The melody reminds me of "Can't Let Go". I rate the mixing at 8/10. Good job! 10/10
Hi! I’m X-Man. I like to compose music, I draw something. Opened for collaborations.
Joined on 11/20/20