This is already much better than your previous works, but still not perfect! The arrangement sounds unfinished. The piano at the end also doesn't satisfy me. The track is unsaid, very unsaid. 8/10
This is already much better than your previous works, but still not perfect! The arrangement sounds unfinished. The piano at the end also doesn't satisfy me. The track is unsaid, very unsaid. 8/10
The voice inserts sound so crooked that it is clear that they were simply recorded on a dictaphone and inserted without any processing. The mixing needs to be corrected. The track is too monotonous and practically not developing. The lead sounds a little empty. In general, the track is far from excellent and resembles a cheap dance song! 7/10
There are problems with the arrangement, as well as a large void that the lead and bass cannot completely fill. The mixing is not cool. The kick is not heard at all. 7/10
Лид стоит заменить, также как и асид-арпеджиатор. Да и мне кажется, что трек не особо и похож на чипстеп. Сведение стоит подправить. 8/10
Изменено: если не знаешь стиль и жанр, то делай как другие - просто ставь «Miscellaneous».
Я знаю, что это не чипстеп, просто я не могу определить стиль, поэтому ставлю рандомный
Изменено: Хорошо, спасибо
С мелодиями проблемы. Со сведением тоже. Конец тоже непонятный и слишком резкий, при чём он был бы более оправданным, если бы это был луп, но нет. Но мне понравилась ритмическая партия, она сделана прекрасно! Больше ничего сказать не могу. 7/10
I love such compositions, I have fun with them! 10/10
Oh, how Waterflame has recently begun to lick and remind everyone of his classics, which he did more than 15 years ago! The track is just a cannon! I love the local drums and rhythmic patterns, melodies and arrangement in general! Mixing is aerobatics! A unique atmosphere and unforgettable sensations from the great journey through the fictional worlds by Christian Mejlænder! It's magical! Fine, keep it up!
pftq, I haven't forgotten about you. You have been helping Waterflame with his work for a long time and I appreciate it! You are well done, I am glad that there are such people in this world! 11/10
Hi! I’m X-Man. I like to compose music, I draw something. Opened for collaborations.
Joined on 11/20/20