Calms you down! Just wonderful! 10/10
Calms you down! Just wonderful! 10/10
Thank you! This song was made to be calm, I'm glad it work! :3
It's just incredible! Cool! Dude, you're amazing! 10/10
Thank you!
If you remove the drums, then this track will resemble the music from the Minecraft game. But this should not be done. As it is, I can only say that this is just a wonderful job. Dude, you have a great future! 10/10
Thank you! I don't know if you will read this but I wanted to ask, does the saxophone sounds good? Because tbh I don't know if it works with the song.
Amazing job! Just magical! This soundtrack can be safely used in games or movies. 10/10
Wow thanks! I really loved making this song, I'm glad people like it!
The sounds of the sea are too loud. And also there is a bit of overkill with the volume of the drums. And so cool!
Thanks! I think I really have to make my drums less loud because it's really a problem in my songs
Sounds interesting enough. But there is clearly work to be done on the information here and it will be fine. 9/10
Thanks! This song was really experimental so the structure is a little bit weird
It sounds cool, but there is not enough information and a clearer structure of the narrative. 9/10
Thx! If this doesn't bother you, could you explain what do you mean by clearer structure? That would help me a lot! :D
It sounds really cool! I like such atmospheric tracks, but honestly the drums are too loud and they interrupt the melody. 9/10
Thank for the feedback! Your absolutely right about the drums, it's probably because I didn't mix the song
A cool track in the syntwave genre. Original! 10/10
Thank you! This track was cool to make!
Обожаю звуки пианино и его звучание, а также то, как с его помощью можно грамотно реализовать практически любую мелодически задумку. И кстати, бит достаточно хорошо качает и это хорошо. 10/10
Hi! I’m X-Man. I like to compose music, I draw something. Opened for collaborations.
Joined on 11/20/20