Зависть обеспеченаx5! 10/10
Зависть обеспеченаx5! 10/10
Знаки Зодиака подъехали и я no comments. Просто скажу, что круто и поставлю десятку! 10/10
Душа поёт, ноги дрыгают, улыбка имеется, X-Man доволен! 10/10
No comments! 19/10
Зависть обеспеченаx4! 10/10
Зависть обеспеченаx3! 10/10
I like the sound of that. Only the chords are strange, and everything else is done with soul and love! 9/10
thanks man!
Mystical, mysterious and mysterious! I love this kind of atmosphere in music! I will definitely listen to your other DnBs as I like it! 10/10
It sounds quite aggressive, but cool! I like this demo. 10/10
Amazing! Great creativity! Your imagination works well! 11/10
Hi! I’m X-Man. I like to compose music, I draw something. Opened for collaborations.
Joined on 11/20/20