Эпик да и только! 10/10
Эпик да и только! 10/10
The possibilities of noteblocks in Minecraft are endless! You can do anything! 10/10
Стоит заменить скриншот, потому что толку от такого мало (хотя если у тебя уже удалён проект, то смысла ноль).
Трек офигенный! =) 10/10
Прям пробивает душу. Молодец! 10/10
Envy is guaranteed! 10/10
Мне почему-то будто страшно слушать это. Что со мной не так? 10/10
The bass is selected correctly, but it is not processed very well. It's hard to hear him.
The drums beat hard on the ears, make them quieter and lower the high frequencies.
The melody is beautiful and I really liked it.
Some synthesizers sound a bit damp, it's worth making them more lively.
I didn't appreciate your idea of using wobble synth for dubstep. They spoil the sound very much and the track would be clearly better if you didn't add them.
I really liked the drum part (except for the drums themselves), very cool, only monotonous.
The conclusion is this: the track turned out to be interesting and to some extent attractive. There are a lot of flaws that spoil this song, but overall it's not bad for you. 7/10
Hi! I’m X-Man. I like to compose music, I draw something. Opened for collaborations.
Joined on 11/20/20