Cool, even very cool! 10/10
Cool, even very cool! 10/10
Incomparable! 10/10
The beautiful remix! 10/10
I love it and everything connected with it! 10/10
Excellent dynamics and progression! I like it! 10/10
I admire you, you are incomparable, KawaiSprite! 10/10
I love such soundtracks! I love very much! 10/10
Wow, that's what I understand the high quality! 10/10
It's magical! My ears get the greatest pleasure from listening to your creativity! 10/10
I do not even know what epithets to pick up! It's all wonderful! 10/10
Hi! I’m X-Man. I like to compose music, I draw something. Opened for collaborations.
Joined on 11/20/20