Эпичность льëтся из ушей! Мне это напомнило серию Level от DJ Striden. 10/10
It sounds nice, you did a good work! This is not a bad reinterpretation of the original track by NH22. 10/10
Thank you, buddy! I discovered this track about two weeks ago and started the arrangement the same day.
Plus, this track is not very well-known, so I decided to make the legendary @NightHawk22 revive.
Around three days ago, when I finished the arrangement, the quality was very bad and I didn't know how to fix it. But now, everything's good: I solved the problem just now.
Зачëтно! Счастье, добро, позитив! 10/10
Как же классно это звучит, а если бы он был ещё длинее, то можно было бы зачесть за полноценный хит! 10/10
Masterpiece! 10/10
Мне понравилось, хорошее звучание. 10/10
It sounds like a track from some old video game, chaotic, melodic, arpeggios! 10/10
Thank you, @X-ManOfficial!
A nice dance track! It is quite relaxing and has a pleasant feeling for me! 10/10
Пасиба! Made it over a year ago, so I consider it as a test.
Hi! I’m X-Man. I like to compose music, I draw something. Opened for collaborations.
Joined on 11/20/20