Fantastic! Just fantastic! 10/10
Fantastic! Just fantastic! 10/10
Мне сперва пришло уведомление на YouTube и я посмотрел там, лайкнул конечно же. Теперь стоит сказать это и на Newgrounds… Кхм, чувак, ответь мне на вопрос: куда ты лезешь? Кто тебя пустил в мой личный список песен, которые я буду переслушивать не один раз?! Что ты творишь?! Я ставлю 10/10 и я надеюсь, что ты не будешь исправляться! :)
The melody is good, I like it. Although there are classical minor chords here, which I could repeat by ear on my synthesizer in 2 minutes, it still catches the soul. The mixing is not the best, some of the drums seem to creak a little. I would put 9/10
I really appreciate your comment, I will try to improve the mix in my next projects :D
Хлопки хрустят немного, остальное сделано хорошо. 10/10
Такое в хаусе допустимо, тем более в электро-хаусе.
Track is very dancing! 😎 10/10
Автор просит от меня комментарии. Ну ок. 10/10
One of best tracks by DJVI! In my opinion DJVI and Zoftle are very good composers! It’s great! 11/10
Friend, I think you understand why this track is not perfect, so 8/10
Indeed, this track is not perfect, it has a quite bad transition, and the melody of the scream lead is "a bit" clumsy, it has many other flaws as well, but hey, in future songs I will improve those things :)
The drums are not mixed in the best way, and in general there are problems with the mix here. I like the rest on the whole. 9/10
Thanks, I'll try to learn about mixing for my next songs :D
Спасите мои уши, они сейчас заглохнут от большой дозы хардстайла! 10/10
Hi! I’m X-Man. I like to compose music, I draw something. Opened for collaborations.
Joined on 11/20/20