Трек не новый, но всё ещё не безынтересный! 10/10
Трек не новый, но всё ещё не безынтересный! 10/10
A very cool track! Dude, you did a good job on the atmosphere and drama! 10/10
Welcome back!
Wow!!! Man, this is very cool! I like this song! 10/10
Thank you so much, that means a lot!
Описание трека просто жжёт! =) 10/10
Зависть обеспечена: продолжение! 10/10
This song can be safely included in stores, the track relaxes! 10/10
Aww thank you!
Сопротивление бесполезно! 10/10
A very good combination of techno and China! I love this sound, it's like I'm floating on a river of pleasure on the way to new emotions! There is only one drawback: the song is too short and unsaid! 9/10
This is very good, F-777! I love this song! Amazing! 10/10
Зависть обеспечена Сезон 3: Эпизод 1 - Electrisity. =] 10/10
Hi! I’m X-Man. I like to compose music, I draw something. Opened for collaborations.
Joined on 11/20/20