Excellent track! Very cool! 10/10
Excellent track! Very cool! 10/10
Honestly, the original "Club Step" sounds better than its VIP version. But still 10/10
Yes, yes, of course! This is how the human era began! From this track naturally! Joke. Not a track, but a masterpiece of some kind! 10/10
DJ-Nate turns out just amazing dance songs! They are very pleasant to listen to. 10/10
Here he is! The most popular track on all Newgrounds!!! And by the way, he's wonderful. 10/10
Wow! Cool preview. 10/10
That's how the second part began! Cool preview. 10/10
I like this part the least of the whole series. But even so, this track is not so bad! 10/10
This part is in second place from the ToE series in my opinion. I love and adore! 10/10
I love the ToE track series!!! And this track is my favorite of the whole series! They sound great. I like the piano part in the middle of the track! The melodies are excellent, as well as the mixing! 10/10
Hi! I’m X-Man. I like to compose music, I draw something. Opened for collaborations.
Joined on 11/20/20