I like this ambient. It's a pity that he has such a low rating. 10/10
I like this ambient. It's a pity that he has such a low rating. 10/10
The melody needed to be made louder! I also noticed that sometimes the melody goes out of its key. I understand that this is one of your very first works. 8/10
Just super! I have nothing to add. 10/10
One of your best tracks in my opinion! 10/10
A perfect song! That's great, man! It's very cool. I love this track! 10/10
We are waiting for zStep! In the meantime, let's enjoy this work! Seriously, this is a cool track with its own chips and ideas. 10/10
The 2.0 version series continues. I like the remix! It probably turned out better than the original. 10/10
An incomparable remix! I liked it very much! 10/10
Atmospheric! Cool and not bad. Nice remix, DJVI! 10/10
I think it's pointless to say anything about this work, since it's just a cropped version of the remix. I will put the same rating as on the regular version. 10/10
Hi! I’m X-Man. I like to compose music, I draw something. Opened for collaborations.
Joined on 11/20/20